(Presenters) Presenter Reflection (Listeners)What did you learn

PRESENTERS: For your post-presentation blog assignment I would like the PRESENTERS to reflect, meaning to think about how your presentation went and what was good and how you have improved from the first presentation including preparation. Copy and paste the questions below and comment below.

NOTE: The reflection blog post assignment for PRESENTERS must be done by today, June 6th before 10 pm.

LISTENERS: Please follow these instructions.

1. Find the presenters names below in the comments section of this blog post.

2. Under reply, reply to their blog post and write down what you learned from their presentation and give some feedback. Please write 75 words or more.

3. The deadline for LISTENERS to complete is June 9th before 10 pm. If this is not done you will lose points and this will affect your grade.

Presenter Reflection Questions (Copy and Paste in the comments section then answer)

Your Name:

Title of your presentation:

Was your presentation organized with at introduction, main points, and a conclusion?

Was it the correct amount of time?

Did your introduction have a specific statement opinion or point of view?          Yes    No

Were you providing specific details about your topic and points of view?            Yes    No

Did your powerpoint/keynote use images, photos, graphs that match your main points you would like to talk about?              Yes    No

Did you have a clear conclusion and ask your listeners for questions?                   Yes    No

Did each of your sub topics start with a clear signal or signpost (first of all, second of all) Yes    No

Did your conclusion summarize the main points of your presentation?                Yes    No

Please also write 100 words or more what you learned, what was good, what you can improve upon for your next presentation.

READ – Giving Feedback

WHILE you review your classmates presentation.

There are two very important parts to giving good feedback. First, give very specific comments rather than vague comments: Point to exact areas of improvement; give examples of general issues that you found; be clear about what exactly the issue was; explain why it was an issue, etc. Second, make your comments helpful. The goal is to help the presenter or writer improve his or her presentation or essay. You should point out unclear areas where it occurs. But don’t stop there. Explain it is difficult to understand and give some simple and clear advice on how to make it better.

Constructive feedback means giving the recipient information on how to improve their work without criticizing them. Learning how to give constructive feedback is an important life skill, which will not only help the recipient, but will also benefit you by helping you reflect on what makes for a successful presentation.

Here are a few tips on how to give constructive peer feedback:

1. Be detailed with examples
Look back at the different areas we’ve discussed, eg introduction, structure, conclusion, techniques, as a way of focusing your feedback. Remember, you are giving feedback on their presentation skills, and not, for instance, on their business idea or their grammar.

2. Be positive
Always start your feedback with something positive about the work. First, tell the person what you liked, and then explain why. Here are some examples taken from previous students’ work.

I really liked your introduction. It made me want to keep listening.
I particularly liked your use of signposting. I had a clear idea of what to expect.
I like the question you used at the start. It made me think I might use something similar in future.

3. Be specific
If you have any suggestions for improvement, be very specific. Imagine you’re on the receiving end of the feedback, and think about making your comments as useful as possible.

I liked your introduction – it made me laugh! However, I think it might be clearer if you spoke a little more slowly.
The chart of your second slide looked interesting, but I wasn’t sure what the red line was meant to represent. I think it would be helpful if you spent a little more time on it.

Presenter Questions

After your presentation each presenter will ask listeners two questions related to your presentation. The listeners will answer the questions. Don’t just ask the question, listeners please answer the question the presenters ask.

For the assignment, write (2) questions you will ask after your presentation.

For example, my topic is Climate Change. After the presentation I could ask the following:

  1. Do you think humans affect climate change?
  2. What do you think we can do to help stop climate change?

Please post your questions by commenting below.

DEADLINE is before the end of class on May 16th.